Thursday, May 10, 2007

What Is Global Warming ?

It is the biggest problem which faces the earth. It means that the earth’s temperature is increasing because the amount of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing. There are many causes to increase the amount of carbon dioxide. Some of them are caused by the nature like volcanoes and some of them are caused by the human like the abuse of energy. Normally, most of the sun rays which is energy are reflected when the amount of carbon dioxide is low but when the amount of carbon dioxide, it becomes like blanket, so it prevent the sun rays from reflecting and keeps these in the atmosphere so the temperature will increase.

All Causes

There are many causes of global warming. Some of them are natural and some are caused by the human. First one is that Carbon Dioxide Emitted from Cars. Cars now are the most popular transport methods in the world. These are used gasoline and diesel. These fuels are producing carbon dioxide gas which is harmful to the environment. Another cause is that the natural disasters. One of natural disaster is the volcanoes. These volcanoes normally are inactive but when they become active, millions tones of harmful gases send to the atmosphere. Yet another cause is that the using of energy. A lot of people use energy but this energy is not use efficiently so the unused energy became a source of pollution.

One Cause

One of the important cause and most of the people do not about it and usually happen in the world is oil leaks from oil tankers. When there is oil leaks in the ocean it is very difficult to remove the oil. When the oil leaks, it is float over the water because it is less density than the water so the sun rays blocked. There are small plants live under the sea level. These plants needs these sun rays to grow so when these plants died the fish also will die because it will not find plants to eat.

All Effects

These causes have effects. The first effect is that the temperature of the earth is increasing. There will be a rise in average global temperatures of between 1.5-4.5 degrees Celcius as early as the year 2030. Another effect is that the sea level will increase. As the temperature of the earth in increasing, the amount of ice in the poles which melt also will increase so, the areas which are near the seas may be appear because the sea water will enter the land. Yet another effect is that plants and animals will extinct. Plants and animals can not live in different circumstances which are different from the normal conditions. When the temperature is increasing, most of the plants and animals can not stand this changing in life.

One Effect

There are many effects for the global warming and the biggest effect is that the changing in climate. When the climate is changed, there will be many changes in the nature. There will be more storms and floods everywhere. These storms and floods cause huge destructions for the human being. Also the floods cause many problems such as spreading diseases. When the flood occurs, it pollutes the pure water and many diseases are spread because the people will drink this polluted water which is contaminated with these diseases like the malaria and tuberculosis which are killing two millions people every year.

Global Warming And The UAE

There is a project in the UAE which can reduce and clean the pollution in the atmosphere. The project will take place in Abu Dhabi. This project contained four stages. The first stage is including vehicles, factories, improper waste disposal, chemical plants and other industrial projects.

This is the link:

Individual Action

There many things the United Arab Emirates can do to reduce the carbon dioxide levels. There are reports say that the percentage of the cars per people in the emirates. Now as we can see there are projects like the metro in Dubai. Dubai becomes a busy city. This project will reduce the cars which mean that the amount of carbon dioxide will reduce. Also there are projects in Abu Dhabi to reduce the carbon dioxide levels by planting the desert. These plants when grow they need carbon dioxide so, this project helps to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide.

What I Have Learned?

Global warming is very serious problem which is facing the earth but we can try to save the world if we start to change our lifestyle. If we choose a clean energy instead of energy which is pollutes like the fossil fuels. Also if we start to plant trees which are help to reduce the carbon dioxide. We can reduce the effects of global warming if we start to send a massage to the people who do not anything about the global warming and show the risks of the global warming in the future and for the next generations.